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SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters


On November 20, 2009, Sarah Palin visited Columbus, OH as part of her book signing tour for "Going Rogue." When her supporters were asked broad questions about why they why they thought she should be president, the responses were vague: She's "real." She'll "stick up for America."


It has been said in comments that we would find similarly talking point-driven, substance-less supporters at an Obama rally, and we agree. But no politician has emerged on the national stage as undefined and unqualified as Sarah Palin, and her public persona--which is anti-intellectual by definition--discourages substance. Instead, we get winking. One could hardly imagine her giving a complex speech about race in America, or speaking eloquently about our country's relations with Islam. Not just because she couldn't write such a speech (Obama has speech-writers, of course) but because she wouldn't--such necessarily academic discussion is antithetical to the persona she's created for herself and that her supporters have come to love.


As for accusations of cherry picking, which are commonly thrown at interview-based videos, it simply isn't what we did. We interviewed only a few more people than ended up in the video, not hundreds, and what was cut was done for time purposes. The people were selected at random--some offered to be interviewed--and we were only there for about 90 mins (it gets dark early and fast in Ohio right now). What didn't make it into the video was just more footage of people talking generically or about taxes/spending, drilling, and abortion, and we constructed blocks in the piece to represent those issues. Of course the piece was edited to be entertaining (this is YouTube, after all, where the currency is cat videos) but we don't believe we misrepresented the attitudes of the people at that signing in any way.
This NEW LEFT MEDIA film was produced and edited by Chase Whiteside (interviews) and Erick Stoll (camera).
# I like how that one guy said that the US is "no longer an exceptional country" and isn't the "shining beacon" of what a society should look to be like, regarding freedom. I know we've pay lots of attention to some important equality movements in the world (race, gays, feminism), but we are far from holding hands and singing love songs to each other, regardless of labels.

Also enjoyed the guy that said "There won't be enough white votes" to get Palin the presidency. Way to be a shining beacon.
# Untitledwiz at this point she cant do any worst that obama , ill bet she would never roll on her back and piss on her self like obama doese when he is around leader lol
# Dear inbred, Please take the time to pick up a newspaper every once in a while and you'll realise what a joke Palin is. If you want your country to be great do not support her, she will bring the US to the ground and will once again make it the laughing stock of the entire world. [endtext]
