A small video guide I made to show off the capabilities of the Boomer in infected vs Survivor play.
Some additional tips not covered in the movie:
1. Arcing puke. Very important thing to consider when puking that I did not adequately demonstrate in the video. Puke is fully subject to gravity, and an arc can allow you to get more range, or offer a solution to a tough angle.
2. Blockage. Some of you might have picked up on the fact that characters can block puke. This also extends to the infected, even the common ones. They can get in the way of the puke. Arcing puke can offer a solution to this.
3. Jumping off buildings. Bit of a gambit to play here. If you jump off a building of sufficient height, you will automatically blow up upon hitting the ground, coating the Survivors in puke. HOWEVER, if they shoot you while you are in mid air, no matter if you're practically standing on their head, you won't coat anything with puke from the explosion.
4. Holding your spawn. There is nothing more Survivor alarm-raising than the loud burbling and burgling of a nearby Boomer. The Survivors having time to prepare for you can mean opportunities wasted. For this purpose, attempt to hold back spawning into the game until the last possible minute. The optimal spawn has you puking on your victims only 1-2 seconds after spawning.
5. Fall damage caused by your explosions are credited to you "X pushed Y" - you can see this on screen during the movie when Francis gets pushed off. [endtext]
A small video guide I made to show off the capabilities of the Boomer in infected vs Survivor play.
Some additional tips not covered in the movie:
1. Arcing puke. Very important thing to consider when puking that I did not adequately demonstrate in the video. Puke is fully subject to gravity, and an arc can allow you to get more range, or offer a solution to a tough angle.
2. Blockage. Some of you might have picked up on the fact that characters can block puke. This also extends to the infected, even the common ones. They can get in the way of the puke. Arcing puke can offer a solution to this.
3. Jumping off buildings. Bit of a gambit to play here. If you jump off a building of sufficient height, you will automatically blow up upon hitting the ground, coating the Survivors in puke. HOWEVER, if they shoot you while you are in mid air, no matter if you're practically standing on their head, you won't coat anything with puke from the explosion.
4. Holding your spawn. There is nothing more Survivor alarm-raising than the loud burbling and burgling of a nearby Boomer. The Survivors having time to prepare for you can mean opportunities wasted. For this purpose, attempt to hold back spawning into the game until the last possible minute. The optimal spawn has you puking on your victims only 1-2 seconds after spawning.
5. Fall damage caused by your explosions are credited to you "X pushed Y" - you can see this on screen during the movie when Francis gets pushed off. [endtext]