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Bin Laden Speaks - its all jibbersih to me
photos plus video, I need a laugh...""Macarron Chacarron (usually shortened to Chacarron) is a hit Spanish-language song by El Chombo feat. Andy's Val Gourmet, both artists from Panama. The song has gained popularity on the internet because of its nonsense lyrics and odd music video, with an excerpt featured on many YTMND sites, the most popular being one with Batman bobbing his head. Due to its success on the Internet, many parody videos have appeared including a Shrek video and a Towlie video. Also, there was a Batman video called "Batman on Drugs". The song is also used in a popular youtube trilogy, Stick Figures on Crack, which the song is played while a stick figure is dancing in a strange fashion, except for in the third episode (Stick Figures on Crack 3), where Mario headbangs to the song. The song is sometimes falsely credited to "El Mudo," an underground Spanish Pop group.""

